The G spot can seem like a mythical pop culture phenomenon that many people talk and think about, but some of the specifics are still a mystery. Most sex education curricula don’t really cover the G spot, so many of us are left in the dark. But not to fear, we at ONE® Condoms are here to be a guiding light to help you in finding the G spot (and more importantly, pleasure) with your own body and your partners.
What is the G spot?
Before we get started, it would be helpful to explain exactly what the G spot is (and what it isn’t). Firstly, you may wonder what the G stands for? Well that takes us all the way back to its origin story. The G spot has been a point of discussion for hundreds of years, dating back to the seventeenth century, when Dutch physician Regnier de Graaf’s publications wrote about an erogenous zone in the vagina that he compared to the male prostate.
Nearly a century ago, In the 1940’s and 1950’s, German-born doctor Ernst Gräfenberg began publishing research about the anatomy of the vagina and stimulation, specifically the “anterior wall of the vagina along the course of the urethra.” A few decades later, this work was acknowledged by naming the G spot after him.
In more recent years, there’s been some pushback on how best to define the G spot. Some medical professionals have noted that Dr. Gräfenberg’s research didn’t necessarily report orgasm from some of the glands of the female urethra, and have distinguished this area of the vagina from a so-called “spot.” Since then, further research has concluded that the G spot may very well be a function of the anatomy of the clitoris, which can extend up to five inches into the body. Given the overlap with multiple structures of the vagina (clitoris, urethral sponge and anterior vaginal wall), this region has been dubbed the clitourethrovaginal complex. A 2022 study even suggests more overlapping structures, with up to five converging in the part of the vagina. As you can see, there is still more to be explored.
So where does that leave us exactly? Today, sexologists now see the G spot as more of a zone of tissue that can become sensitive or swollen during arousal and lead to a pleasurable sensation. The more you know!
Where is the G Spot?
Ok, now that we’ve explained what the G spot is, now let’s talk about where it is. The short answer is that it depends. The G spot is in a different place depending on each person’s individual body. For most people with vaginas, the G spot is located approximately one inch inside the vaginal opening on the upper vaginal wall (generally in the same neighborhood as the belly button).
But what about people born with a penis or assigned male at birth? Don’t worry, there is also an area of the body that some sexologists call the “male G spot.” Remember Doctor de Graaf’s comparison of the G spot to the prostate? There are some similarities that support this comparison. This gland is about the size of a walnut and is developed early during pregnancy, located about two inches inside the rectum, between the base of the penis and the anus, close to the bladder.
How the G Spot Can Be A Source of Pleasure

Lastly, why does the G spot matter? When pressure is applied or these areas are repeatedly rubbed or stimulated, it can lead to an intense sensation of a building release and eventually (hopefully) orgasm. Whether this is with fingers, the penis or sex toys, many report that stimulation of their G spot leads to orgasm, and a recent study even saw up to 10% of women reporting ejaculation (pulsing streams of clear female ejaculate paired with some vaginal orgasms).
If you’re looking to try this with your partner(s), here are some tips and tricks:
- This zone increases in size with arousal, so foreplay and other sexual touch is a good appetizer – you are feeling for a small bean shaped bump, often with a bit more texture than surrounding tissue
- Don’t be shy about applying lube to help your partner be as comfortable as possible with any penetration
- Encourage and support your partner through respectful verbal “coaching” – this will help them concentrate on their pleasure
- Be gentle, stimulation often feels best with repetitive motion, at a speed that feels good to your partner – some people also enjoy light pressure on their lower abdomen
- If your partner is on their back, you want to make a “come hither” movement with your palm facing up
- The G spot is not always in the same place for every partner, one sexologist said it can be found between 10 and 2 on an analog clock (that’s basically the top third for any digital leaning folks *wink*)
- Bonus: If you are stimulating your partner(s) through penovaginal intercourse or with a sex toy, doggy style and other rear entry positions are often helpful with a downward thrusting motion to reach the front wall of the vagina (but this depends on what you and your partner(s) enjoy, some people prefer to be on top for this same sensation)
Shifting gears slightly to the prostate, similar set of tips can also be used to pleasure your partner(s) this way too. By inserting a finger, sex toy or the penis into the anus and angling motion towards their belly button, the pressure and/or repetitive motion can feel fantastic for your partner(s). Also, light external pressure to the perineum (the space between the testicles and the anus, which some people call the ‘taint’ or ‘gooch’) can also help stimulate this same area. The true biology behind this pleasure is still being studied, but some initial theories are that pressure can stimulate the nerves attached to the prostate (prostatic plexus) and/or that the neurological pathways to pleasure can gradually be trained over time. Read more about ways to enjoy anal sex and stimulation, check out our post here!
Now, every body is different, and not everyone enjoys or is stimulated by this sort of touch. And that’s ok! If you still want to bring your partner(s) to the brink of ecstasy, you may want to brainstorm ways to stimulate and focus attention on the clitoris and clitoral hood instead. Clitoral stimulation is reported as a major source of sexual pleasure and female orgasm in studies around the world.
And remember, if you’re curious about how your partner may be feeling during your sexual experiences, you can always ask them and communicate. We have a post with some tips and tricks on communication with your partner(s) and a helpful post on how men and women can experience sex differently.
As always, ONE® Condoms is committed to providing you all of the premium products to help you and your partner(s) have the most pleasurable sexual experiences possible. Don’t forget to check out our collection of silky smooth lubes, or our enhanced pleasure condoms!