We never skip the chance to talk about sexual health, and National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day is no exception.
Why is this day important, you ask? The most recent CDC statistics showed that of 39,782 new cases of HIV reported in 2016, 21% of new HIV infections were among people 13-24 years of age. Almost HALF of youth living with HIV didn’t know their status.
In order to address HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), ONE® is committed to helping make sure everyone has access to education and resources to make healthy decisions when it comes to sex. In addition, it’s so important that we educate each other about the importance of getting tested. When you get tested, you can get treated. So join us on April 10th for #NYHAAD and raise awareness by sparking a conversation!
Here are 7 ways that you can spread the safer sex education mission with ONE®:
1. Learn About Youth HIV and AIDS Treatment & Prevention
Grab your reading glasses and some snacks while you read up on HIV among youth and how you can take action on National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (#NYHAAD).

2. Fight the Stigma
There are many misconceptions about HIV, how it’s spread, and what it means. Such misinformation can create barriers to accessing proper treatment and resources. Help stop the cycle by learning more about common HIV stigmas and what you can do to take action.
3. Know Your Status
Getting tested can sometimes feel annoying, inconvenient, or even scary. But the only way to know your status is to get tested. Preventing HIV and STI transmission is truly a collective effort, and one of the best ways that you can individually contribute is by staying updated on your STI status. Here are some guidelines from the CDC on STD testing. Find a location near you at gettested.cdc.gov, a lot of which are free or low cost.
4. Become a Sexual Health Advocate on Momentum™
Join ONE®’s sexual health advocacy platform for free at www.onecondoms.com/momentum. Momentum™ advocates complete challenges and activities promoting safer sex in exchange for points. Members also get the lowdown on new promos and giveaways. The points can be redeemed for products at the ONE® store. You could even do so much advocacy that you get enough points for the bulk 50-packs, which you can then distribute to your friends and community!
5. Become a Fashion Designer/Runway Model by Hosting Project CONDOM
Got a student group or organization that wants to destigmatize talk about sexual health while staying chic? Partner with us to host a condom-themed fashion show through our Project CONDOM program. We’ll send you condoms, prizes, and other resources. You organize the event, and help promote sexual health in a creative way. Learn more about the initiative and how to apply here: www.onecondoms.com/projectcondom

6. Win Our Wrapper Design Contest!
We believe that combining creative and fun artwork with condoms is a great start to breaking down barriers around talking about safer sex. That’s why ONE® Condoms feature hundreds of designs, created by the public, advocates, and artists for over 10 years. Submit your own wrapper design for a chance to win one of our seasonal Design Contests. Prizes include cash, a year’s supply (365) of condoms featuring your name and design, 5,000 condoms donated to an organization of your choice, and seeing people around the world carrying condoms with your art and name on them! Not ready to share your artistic vision with us? You can still participate by voting on your favorite designs here! You can even earn Momentum™ points by voting.

7. Don't Forget to Always Carry Condoms ;)
So that you know you’ll be ready when playtime strikes :D. Want to be a hero? Try carrying a few extra to save a friend (or a stranger’s) day!